What is The Cost To Rent a Dumpster in Atlanta North?

When you're renting a dumpster, you have to know what you're paying for. Whether you're looking to find out how much it'll cost to haul away tree branches, or the cost of a home cleanout, there are plenty of options. The services that come with a Bin There Dump That dumpster rental is something that is included in the price. We want to be transparent and let you know that there There are only a few things to keep in mind when renting a dumpster where you could possibly pay an extra fee for and those things are:

  • The weight of the dumpster rental - if you go over the allotted weight for your selected dumpster size. You may have that extra tipping fee for the extra weight.
  • The rental period of the dumpster rental - if you need an extra day or two, be prepared to pay per day. Luckily for you, when you rent a dumpster with Bin There Dump That, our rentals already come with a 7 day rental period, no questions asked.
  • The area in which you're situated - if you live outside of our service area but we can still service you, you may have to pay a fuel surcharge in order to receive your dumpster.
  • The items inside your dumpster rental - if you place an item that is in our list of restricted materials, you may have to pony up the extra bucks to get rid of it. Some landfills and transfer stations do not allow certain items like, tires but will accept them at a cost. So, budget wisely.
  • We're transparent and open to inform you of different fees that may come up during the dumpster rental process, please contact us at 770-932-2838 for more information or clarity.

But what do you get when you rent a dumpster with Bin There Dump That? Since we have all-inclusive pricing, it's important to know that there are services that are included with every dumpster rental booking. These services include but not limited to:

  • Placing wooden boards on your driveway to make sure that the dumpster does not damage your driveway in any way. The wooden boards in place make sure that the dumpster never touches your driveway.
  • Delivery and pick up of the dumpster rental from Monday to Saturday. We pride in also being able to deliver on short notice - so if you're ever in a bind, you can count on us to deliver a dumpster rental in 24 hours or less. Same day is often available as well.
  • We clean up before we leave. You can bet that you wouldn't notice that a dumpster was ever on your driveway to begin with.

20 Cubic Yard Dumpster

20 Cubic Yard Dumpster
11' long, 8' wide, 6' high
What's included:
  • Delivery and pick up, including Saturdays
  • 100% proven driveway protection guarantee
  • We sweep up under the dumpster when the job is done
  • Double walk-in doors
  • Additional days over the allotted rental period includes a $25/day fee

Base price Reserve Now

15 Cubic Yard Dumpster

15 Cubic Yard Dumpster
11' long, 8' wide, 4.5' high
What's included:
  • Delivery and pick up, including Saturdays
  • 100% proven driveway protection guarantee
  • We sweep up under the dumpster when the job is done
  • Double walk-in doors
  • Additional days over the allotted rental period includes a $25/day fee

Base price Reserve Now

10 Cubic Yard Dumpster

10 Cubic Yard Dumpster
10' long, 7' wide, 4' high
What's included:
  • Delivery and pick up, including Saturdays
  • 100% proven driveway protection guarantee
  • We sweep up under the dumpster when the job is done
  • Double walk-in doors
  • Additional days over the allotted rental period includes a $25/day fee

Base price Reserve Now

6 Cubic Yard Dumpster

6 Cubic Yard Dumpster
10' long, 5.5' wide, 3' high
What's included:
  • Delivery and pick up, including Saturdays
  • 100% proven driveway protection guarantee
  • We sweep up under the dumpster when the job is done
  • Double walk-in doors
  • Additional days over the allotted rental period includes a $25/day fee

Base price Reserve Now